Are Your Kids Ready For “Back To School”?
The growing stack of advertisements in the Sunday paper and the banners and displays at all the stores tell us it is that time of year again: “Back To School.”
Are your kids ready? That question usually means, “Do they have all the clothes and supplies they need for a new school year?” But Christian parents are more concerned about a different kind of readiness- a spiritual readiness for a new school year.
So parents, this is a good time to ask your kids, “What are some things that scare you or worry you as you look ahead to a new school year?” Giving your kids an opportunity to talk about the things that make them anxious as they start this new year gives you an opportunity to comfort them in their fears with the promises of God and the love of Christ. It gives you an opportunity to talk to them about how children of God deal with situations guided by God’s Word and not just our feelings or human reason. It gives you an opportunity to remind them that God cares about them, and that they can bring all their concerns to him in prayer and be confident that he will help them and support them. It gives you an opportunity to show Christ-like love to them by the compassion you show them and guidance you give them.
It is also a good time to ask them what they are looking forward to or what they want to accomplish. As they talk about how they want to make a team, be in a play, get good grades, or make new friends, it’s a good opportunity to ask them what they think Jesus’ goals for them are. That can lead to a conversation about the kind of friend and classmate and student Jesus wants them to be, and all the opportunities they will have to help and serve others, to respect teachers and others in authority, and to befriend those others may ignore or despise. It can be a great time to talk about how we Christians represent Christ to the world, and to think through what specific opportunities they will have to let their faith shine and share the gospel message with specific classmates, teammates, and friends.
It would be good to share with them Hebrews 13:20,21: “May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”
That word of God is their assurance that no matter how difficult or stressful things may get at school, “the God of peace” will calm them with his unfailing love in Christ. When they stumble into sin or rush headlong into it, the blood of Jesus shed for their sins will assure them of the “eternal covenant” of of grace and mercy that is theirs in Christ. When they face disappointment or heartache, the “great Shepherd of the sheep” will still be guiding them in love. And he will equip them “with everything good for doing his will” and work in them “what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ”, and in so doing, give their lives true purpose and significance and meaning.
Make sure your kids are ready for school in the most important way- with a perspective and purpose that comes from faith in Jesus Christ and brings glory to him.