Daily Devotions

Wednesday Bible Class

Wednesday evening at 7pm, we will be examining the book of Tobit from a Biblical perspective. Even if you haven’t been attending the current study of the Apocrypha, come and join us. If you would like to read ahead, follow this link.

Call Decision

Dear Members of Shepherd of the Hills,
  1. Shepherd of the Hills Ev. Lutheran Church is a local church filled with sinners, of whom I am the worst. When a pastor receives a divine call to be a pastor at a different church, the hardest part is analyzing his own person. You go over your strengths and weaknesses, the ways you’ve improved over the years and the ways you’ve let down those around you. Of course, I could say that we all have flaws and shortcomings, but really those are the results of sin. I am a sinner. I know it, and the call process forces you to face them. Over the last seven years here at Shepherd of the Hills, I have been lazy and lackadaisical. I have at times been cowardly in both sharing the Gospel, and calling for repentance from those who have strayed from the faith. I have lied instead of always sharing the truth, and I have shirked responsibility. I have not always loved as a shepherd should his sheep. These are but a few of the sins that are laid bare before you and God. For these sins, I ask your forgiveness and seek help in carrying out the ministry that God has given to me and to our congregation.
  2. Shepherd of the Hills Ev. Lutheran Church is filled with members of God’s Holy Christian Church, of whom I counted through faith in Jesus Christ. It is only by the grace of God that any man can call himself pastor. I am no better than anyone else. I am a forgiven child of God living among and working for other forgiven children of God. It’s humbling and awe-inspiring that God could use me to advance his kingdom. As St. Paul says, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” The Gospel is truly powerful. If Christ can forgive my sins, he is more than capable of forgiving anyone’s sins. This is the message that we carry to the ends of the earth. This is the fight to which you have called Pastor Burger and me. We take the fight to this sinful work with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. As a church, we all put on the armor of God, ready to take a stand on the only truth that is able to save.
  3. Today I returned the divine call to Trinity Lutheran Church in Crete, IL. Those are not easy phone calls to make, but I know that God will bless Trinity and its mission. It is so wonderful to be a part of a synod that takes God’s Word seriously in its teaching and ministry to the world. We may be small as far as numbers are concerned, but we are not small in spirit. And it is the truth of God’s Word that will sustain in the years to come. God willing, our synod will continue to advance the Gospel until the Lord returns. And what a blessing it is to be part of that mission to share the good news of Christ with millions/billions of souls all over the world.


Pastor Tullberg



Tomorrow Pastor Robert Fleischmann will be preaching during worship and conducting the Bible study. There will be a freewill offering after each service to support his travel costs and his ministry at Christian Life Resources.

Amy sent an email yesterday concerning the schedule this coming week. Please read that email, and keep Pastor Burger’s mom in your prayers.




Celebration of Life Sunday

This Sunday, Pastor Robert Fleischmann from Christian Life Resources will be sharing God’s Word with us during our “Celebration of Life Sunday.” He will also be hosting the Bible study between the services on various topics that concern the protection of life. After each of the services, there will be a free-will offering in order to support Pastor Fleischmann’s travel costs and also his ministry. To learn more about that ministry go to http://www.christianliferesources.com/