Daily Devotions

November 2018: God’s Encouraging Word … when I’m suffering

God’s Encouraging Word … when I’m suffering

Are you familiar with tunnel vision? Someone experiencing tunnel vision can see an object directly ahead, but they often fail to notice what’s around it. Maybe age or injury has robbed them of their peripheral vision. Maybe they grow fatigued during a long drive. Do you know what that’s like?

We’re also prone to tunnel vision when we’re suffering. Face it, we’ve all been there. No one is immune from problems and pain. Everyone experiences hurts or hang-ups. But when we’re hurting, is the bad all we can see? Do we focus on the problem so much that we ignore everything else? We can see no help. No hope. No good. No God. Do you know what that’s like? It’s not a happy place to be.

It can be especially tough as we prepare to enter the holiday season. How can we put on a smile for Thanksgiving and pretend that we are just fine?

No need to pretend. Listen to the psalmist: “My comfort in suffering is this: your promise preserves my life” (Psalm 119:50). Remember how God worked so wonderfully to solve our greatest problem. The burden of sin we could never carry. The consequence of guilt we could never dodge. The sentence of death we could not avoid. So Jesus stepped in for us and shouldered them all. The cross and the tomb—both empty now—mark Jesus’ great victory.

And his victory is your victory. So resist the urge to give in to those feelings of defeat. Don’t shrink back in fear. Don’t separate yourself from others. Don’t become bitter. Don’t give up. Otherwise, you will miss the help God wants to give you.

All around the problem of suffering, God’s help is ready and waiting. Look up and find confidence: “My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121). Look into God’s word where he promises, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Look back and recall how God has helped you through past challenges. Look around and find Christian friends eager to give you a hand and fold hands for you in prayer. Look ahead and see the open heaven God has in store for you through Jesus.

God promises to bring you safely through the tunnel of trouble. Trust his goodness!

Giving Counselors

Looking for guidance on how best to use your gifts to not only help WELS ministries, but also plan for your future? Below is a list of WELS Christian giving counselors. These specially trained men can help guide you on how to be a steward of your gifts. There is no fee for the services of a counselor. On Sunday October 21, Pastor John Kenyon will be preaching for our mission festival and will also be holding a Bible study concerning how we view the end of our life. For more information go to https://wels.net/giving/ministry-of-christian-giving/christiangivingcounselordirectory/#mi_district

Worship Theme for Oct. 14

The story is told of the Texas rancher who, when asked when he would be satisfied with the amount of land he had, responded by saying, “When I’m finished buying the property next to mine.”  Because of the sinful natures we all have, there’s a little or a lot of that Texas rancher in each of us.  The cure for the condition won’t be found in having just “a little bit more,” but rather in knowing and believing that we already have all that we need in Jesus. During worship this weekend we will once again find comfort in God the Father who does not judge us according to how much stuff we own or how important people think we are, but God judges us according to the righteousness of his Son which is ours through faith. Come to worship and unite with your brothers and sisters in praising our gracious God.