Daily Devotions

Worship Theme for February 24th

It’s hard to put up with some people at work. Neighbors or roommates are annoying. You struggle to get along with people in your own family.  Even your marriage gets rocky. Sometimes you get hurt.  Sometimes you are the one who inflicts the pain. The tension ratchets up. Life gets miserable. Relationships are harmed beyond repair or lost altogether.

That doesn’t have to happen.  Join us this Sunday as God teaches us how to love and forgive even our enemies, as God has loved and forgiven us in Christ. 

12 HUGE MISTAKES PARENTS MAKE: Mistake #7: We Give Our Kids Too Much


Mistake #7: We Give Our Kids Too Much

Sunday, February 24 11:45 a.m.

Giving our kids too much can cause an entitlement mentality, lead them to take what we give them for granted, and keep them from learning how to work hard to get what they desire or need. But how much is too much? When should we give and when should we make them earn? Join us as we discuss this important topic this Sunday!

NOTE: Please bring a bag lunch for you and your Kids! As usual, everyone will eat together right After the 10:30 a.m. service. Then the children will do a craft in the Fellowship Hall while the parents have a 45 minute discussion in the sanctuary.

Worship Theme for February 10th

Have you ever wished that God would come down and talk to you? You might picture a grandfatherly figure sitting and give you sage advice upon the rest of your life. But that’s not what happened to the prophet Isaiah. God spoke with him and he was utterly terrified. He was so scared that he thought for sure that he was going to instantly die and go straight to hell. What happened instead was a complete miracle by God and shows him to be a merciful and magnificent Savior. Come this Sunday to worship this Savior and stand with Isaiah before God Almighty.