Christmas—God’s Gift to You
This year in our monthly articles we are considering favorite verses from the Bible.
This month’s favorite Bible verse is: Galatians 4:4,5
to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.”

It’s the moment for which children wait so excitedly: the time for tearing open Christmas presents. It’s thrilling to see their excitement and joy to find out what lies beneath the bow and paper. But often, just as quickly as the excitement erupted, it begins to disappear. When the flying bows and paper settle, feelings of disappointment and ingratitude so often start to surface. The moment everyone so eagerly looked forward to becomes yet another disappointment.
For so many, the Christmas season and celebration ends up like the boxes strewn across the floor—empty. Because, eventually, the decorations are taken down, the parties end, and life goes back to normal.
But this won’t be the case when we remember what Christmas is really about. Christmas is the celebration of the gift of God’s one and only Son, a gift he gave to the world. It’s the gift that I need, that you need, that this whole world needs. You see, this world—including you and me—is wrapped and covered in sin. It is this covering of sin that leaves us empty and disappointed and looking for more gifts and other presents that we hope will fill the void. But they can’t.
It is only through the gift of God’s Son, and his life and death that removes from you the ugly covering and wrapping of your sins. Jesus did not come to be placed under a Christmas tree, but to hang upon a tree, not as an ornament, but as the one who would die upon it to pay for all of your sins. His perfect, innocent life and death are gifts he offers to you to make you his perfect and holy child and heir of heaven.
Christmas is so much more than presents placed beneath a tree. It’s the sure and certain fulfillment of God’s most treasured gift to you—your Savior from sin, Jesus Christ.