Posted on Feb 28, 2014 in Parenting Article | Tags: afraid, bible, children, church, coping, death, fatalities, god, heaven, isaiah 59, jesus, john 3:16, kids, lansing, lutheran, matthew 11, mi, michigan, news, romans 6, shepherd of the hills, titus 3
Talking To Your Kids About Death
An older woman once approached me to tell me why she liked the Children’s Object Lesson in the worship service. Her reason surprised me. “You frequently talk about death, and that’s important,” she said. “It is not good when parents try to insulate their kids from the reality of death. It happens, and they need to know how to deal with it.” She said that as someone who had a hard time coping with her mother’s death when she was a girl, in part because death was a forbidden subject in their home.
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Posted on Feb 28, 2014 in Parenting Article | Tags: back to school, children, christian, church, faith, god, guidance, hebrews 13, jesus, kids, lansing, lutheran, mi, michigan, parent, perspective, purpose, ready, scare, school, shepherd of the hills, worry
Are Your Kids Ready For “Back To School”?
The growing stack of advertisements in the Sunday paper and the banners and displays at all the stores tell us it is that time of year again: “Back To School.” Read more…
Posted on Feb 28, 2014 in Parenting Article | Tags: bible, children, church, god, jesus, kids, lansing, lutheran, mi, michigan, parent, shepherd of the hills
I Don’t Want To Force My Kids To Go To Church: Part Four
Child: “I don’t like going to church (or Sunday School). It’s boring.”
Parent: “It doesn’t matter. We’re going.” Read more…