Pointing Out Christians Role Models

Pointing Out Christians Role Models

 My family and I worshiped at our WELS church in Jackson this past Sunday.  Before the service started an old man who happened to be acquainted with our family greeted my wife and sons with a broad smile and spoke to them.  After he asked my sons how old they were and what they were doing, he said, “Well boys, don’t ever forget that God is good, and no matter where you go he will be with you, and he will take care of you no matter what may come.”  That unsolicited encouragement came from a man who needs a cane to walk since a stroke disabled him probably at least 30 years ago.

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Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (WELS)

Christ’s love, which he demonstrated by his perfect life and by his suffering and death on the cross, is the foundation for our relationship with God, the focus of our faith, and the motivation for all we do as Christians. In that same love for sinners Christ not only lived and died to set us free from sin and guilt, but he also rose again in victory on the first Easter Sunday, assuring us that his victory is our victory and that his resurrection is our resurrection. Saved by his grace alone, we look forward to his glorious return as we proclaim the good news of what his love has accomplished.
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 Shepherd of the Hills Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lansing, MI (WELS)
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