It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
Posted on Dec 9, 2014 in Uncategorized | Tags: advent, bible, child, children, christian, church, Devotion, family, hymn, it came upon a midnight clear, jesus, kid, kids, lansing, lutheran, mi, michigan, parent, shepherd, shepherd of the hills, word of god
Their Tomorrow Depends On Your Words Today
Posted on Jul 31, 2014 in Parenting Article | Tags: child, church, college, dynamite, home, kid, lansing, listen, lutheran, mi, michigan, moses, parent, power, shepherd of the hills, teach, today, tomorrow, trust, word, word of god
Their Tomorrow Depends On Your Words Today
According to a study conducted by the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute, Hispanics who have gone to college rank their parents as being most influential in their decision to continue their schooling. So an ad campaign by The Hispanic Scholarship Fund and The Ad Council challenges Hispanic parents to talk to their children about college and encourage them to pursue higher education. The ads close with the reminder, “Their tomorrow depends on your words today.”
Ezra Preaches
Posted on Jun 26, 2014 in Uncategorized | Tags: church, Ezra, god, good news, hearts, lansing, lives, lutheran, mi, michigan, motivation, nehemiah, preach, salvation, shepherd of the hills, word of god